Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Two days and counting...

It's a little after 6 p.m. on Tuesday, which means I have less than 48 hours until my Blonde Abroad adventure officially begins. At 5 p.m. on Thursday, I'm flying out of Akron/Canton to Detroit, where I have a three-hour layover before getting on my flight to Paris. From Paris, I'll be taking a train to Nantes, which will be my home until around Christmas (still haven't booked my flight back to the States yet).

I've been to Europe a few times, most recently backpacking with one of my best friends last summer. We were only there for three weeks, but ironically, I feel like I put a lot more effort into planning for that trip. My friend and I sent each other e-mails almost daily about which clothes we were planning on taking, what activities we wanted to do in each city, and plenty of "OMG, I can't believe we leave in [a month, a week, a day]" types of notes.

This time, I've found an apartment to live in, booked a couple flights for some "vacation" time with my MBA classmates (Madrid and Munich are both coming up in the first few weeks of my stay), and bought a railpass that will get me around France while I'm there. I haven't even started packing or thinking about what I'll need to buy when I get there, but for whatever reason, I'm not too concerned about it. I'm sure the stress will hit me tomorrow, but right now, I'm just trying to stay relaxed while enjoying some quality time with my parents.

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