Friday, September 4, 2009

Bienvenue a France!

Well I finally made it. It was a very long trip, but went very smoothly, and I'm finally getting settled into my apartment.

My flight to Detroit was uneventful. The flight attendant offered a first row seat to the first taker, and no one else seemed interested, so I took her up on it. I ended up talking a lot to her as she wanted to know everything there was to know about Europe. She was really sweet and it made the trip go really quickly (granted it was only an hour anyway).

Got to Detroit and started reading my book. It's about a girl who moves to Paris after suddenly getting dumped by her fiance. Silly chick lit, but its a quick, fun read.

The flight to Paris was a little rough, mainly because I was stuck in the very last row and couldn't recline my seat at all. I was also on the same flight as about 80 older folks going on a tour of Istanbul. They were driving the flight attendants nuts with all of their questions, so anytime I saw one of the flight attendants, I just shook my head and laughed. They seemed to appreciate that I felt for them.

Arrived in Paris around 10:50, about a half hour ahead of schedule. Turns out I needed that half hour too, as waiting for my luggage took about 30 minutes, and then waiting in line to get my railpass validated took another hour. I had just enough time to grab a ham and cheese baguette before boarding my train from the airport to Nantes.

Easy 3-hour ride, and my roommate Leslie was waiting for me when I got there. She's originally from Colombia, but she's lived in Nantes for the last 3 years. She seems great! She gave me the bigger of the two bedrooms in her place, so I have a nice queen size bed, a desk, and a really big closet with a shoe rack. I don't feel so guilty for packing so much now!

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