Friday, September 4, 2009

(Potential) Crisis averted

Written 4 p.m. Thursday, September 03, 2009

Got to the Akron/Canton airport at 2:55 today, two hours before my flight is set to depart. As I check in at the Northwest desk, they only have a reservation for me to Detroit. Nothing about Paris. The agent had to scan my passport twice before finding the flight to Paris in my reservations. Then he said that while the reservation was made, I didn’t have any tickets for the flight. He fixed that one pretty quickly, but then he said that I was going to be charged $50 to check a second bag. I had anticipated that problem, and quickly pulled out the e-mail from NWA saying that since I purchased my ticket before June 27 (when they lowered the free baggage limit), I would be able to check two pieces of luggage for free. My dad always has always told me to get documentation for everything, and it’s in situations like this I’m glad I follow his advice.

Problem was, the ticket he had just printed out said that I didn’t purchase the ticket until July 9. I argued with him for a bit, got frustrated, and asked him who to call to get it taken care of. I called the Northwest Customer service line, but of course it was all automated and apparently it was deaf today, as everything I said to them was met with “I’m sorry, I didn’t not understand your response.” So I hung up, prepared to pay the $50 just so I wouldn’t have to deal with the stress. I’d argue with NWA and StudentUniverse (where I found my tickets) later.

As I headed back to the ticket counter, the agent told me that he checked back into the system and saw that I did indeed purchase my ticket in March, and I would therefore not have to pay for my extra bag. I was very appreciative of his efforts, and as he continued to get me all checked in, he mentioned that his son was born in the same month and year as I was (he noticed my birthday on my passport I guess). I asked if his son went to my high school, and he did. As it turns out, his son is one of my friends who I usually only see at Lindsay’s holiday parties, but just the same, it was good to make the connection.

So after everything was all squared away, I sat with my parents in the little dining area and just settled down a bit. Got through security very quickly, and now I’m just waiting to board my flight to Detroit. From there I have a 3 hour layover, which Sam suggested I fill by getting a mani-pedi. Actually sounds kinda nice right now. Probably won’t have internet access until I get to Paris, and maybe not even until Nantes, but I will update as often as I can.

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