Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My first work-out of the trip

This one's going to be fairly quick... I'm exhausted.

Left the hostel around 2 today and got on the metro to head to the airport. For whatever reason, after you've ridden the metro, you have to pay an extra euro to actually enter the airport from the metro station. So odd. Got there in plenty of time to check in for my flight though, so that was good.

Grabbed a sandwich from the little cafe at the airport-- not bad, not great. Our flight was originally scheduled to board at 5:10, and I got really excited when I saw that it had been moved up to 5:01, as I was scheduled to take the train home from the Paris airport, and I only had about 45 minutes between the scheduled arrival time and the time the train left. The paris airport is huge, so any extra time to get where I needed to would be much appreciated. 5:01 came and went. So did 5:10, and 5:30. When a gate agent arrived at 5:45, everyone scrambled to the gate. And we waited some more. Finally started boarding around 6:05, taxied for a good 20 minutes around the airport, and were in the air by 6:30. Originally we were scheduled to leave at 5:40. Awesome.

Quick side note: EasyJet should really consider a name change. There's nothing easy about flying that airline, and frankly, its prices aren't that great. They don't enforce the boarding system at all, and people just crowd and step on feet and roll suitcases over each other to get as close to the front of the line as they can. It's similar to what I sort of remember Southwest doing several years ago, but 100 times worse. Then once you're on the plane, people will start loading their luggage into the overhead compartments, and if there isn't room for theirs right above them, they move the luggage above them somewhere else for the owner to find after landing. Pain in the ass.

Anyway, my train was scheduled to leave Paris at 8:34 p.m. We were told that we'd arrive at 8:10. Still should have been plenty of time. But once again, we taxied for 15 minutes to get to the gate. As soon as we landed, I literally sprinted through Charles de Gaulle airport to get to the train station, and I got into my seat 30 seconds before the doors closed and the train left the station. Really need to get back into my workout routine after that pathetic performance, but on the plus side, I'm home!
A photo of me just as I got on the train. I sorta worked up a sweat.

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