Monday, November 9, 2009


It's been more than a week since my last update, and quite a lot has happened!

Last week was the first time we had class from 9-5 every day. There have been long weeks before, but typically we had at least one day during which we had at least half of the day to ourselves. We covered a lot of ground last week. Started our international marketing class, which I think I'm really going to enjoy. Our professor is fantastic... very into interaction in the classroom, so that makes things much better for all of us. We also had two full days of U.S. law. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the days went very quickly. Our professor is a lawyer from the States, so it was nice to hear my own accent!! He was also very engaging and explained things clearly. Ended the week with Economics and HR, which were both fine.

Now that I've had at least one session of each of my classes (the scheduling of classes here still baffles me-- each week is different and it's all based on teacher availability), I've made a to-do list of all the assignments I have to complete in the next 4 weeks before my mom gets here.

1. Human Resources Paper (Outlined and half has been written)
2. OB Paper (Outlined, not started)
3. International Business paper (Not started)
4. Group Case Presentation for Law (Not started)
5. Marketing individual paper (Not started)
6. Marketing group paper (Group has been formed, but that's as far as we've made it)

So as you can see, that's a lot of work left to do, and not a lot of time to do it. I think it's about 40 pages of writing in total, so if I can write 2 pages per night, I should be able to get it done in time. I'm so excited for my mom to come visit... so that's a great motivation to get these projects finished so I don't have to think about any school work while she and I travel.

Saturday night the classmates went to Tahir's house for a potluck dinner. Each person brought a dish to share, and we had a very nice evening. It's always nice to spend time with the classmates outside of school.

Finally, (and most exciting), I found out on Saturday that I will indeed be getting a job offer to join dunnhumby as a full-time employee after I graduate from OSU in June! I am sooo excited for the opportunity, as I really believe that company is the perfect fit. I don't know the details of the offer yet, but I will learn more later this week. I must admit that I've been a little stressed about the uncertainty, so this news took a huge weight off of my shoulders. Pays to be patient I guess (thanks to the French for teaching me that!)

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