Thursday, November 26, 2009

Things I'm Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Needless to say, I didn't really have much of an opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving here in France. We had a full day of Human Resources Management class, and while it was interesting, I was slightly distracted throughout the day by all of my friends' status updates on Facebook telling me just how amazing all of their Thanksgiving meals were going to be. Jealous!

I am celebrating a little bit in my own way-- I had one bottle of the wine from Jerome's family's winery leftover from earlier in the semester, so I decided today would be a good day to open it. I've had a couple glasses, and it's put me in a good mood.

While my experience here has definitely had its frustrating moments, I still have so much to be thankful for:

1. The people I've gotten to know.

My classmates are all from very different backgrounds, but I have learned so much from them and all of their experiences. It has been a great opportunity to get a new perspective on business, especially since many of my classes are repeats of classes I already took at Fisher.

2. The places I've visited. Before school even started, I had a chance to meet up with Dave and Justin in Madrid, and that was definitely a nice mini-vacation to start off my time in Europe.

Oktoberfest has been the highlight of my time here, hands down. It was incredible to be with so many of my Fisher classmates and to experience that ridiculously crazy environment together. I'm so excited to get back to OSU and see them all again!

My trip to Milan to see Celina, Margaret, Joe and Sarah was also a nice break. At that point, I was getting quite frustrated with things in Nantes, and I needed the "midwesterner" time with them.

I also loved visiting Paris with the Milan kids (minus Margaret) a couple weekends ago-- we saw so much in such a little time, and they always know how to make me smile!

My trip to Chaillevette with the classmates was also a really nice time. It was great to see a new part of France and to get to know my classmates outside of the classroom.

Clisson was great too!

3. French food.

Though I haven't gone out to eat all that often, the times I have enjoyed a meal in a French restaurant have never disappointed. I am going to miss gallettes and crepes once I get back to the States. While there's a great creperie in Cincinnati, the crepes there really don't compare to the real thing. I am also going to really miss the smell of the bakeries here. I try not to indulge in too many pastries, but just smelling them is often enough to make my mouth water!! I will definitely be eating more French food when my mom comes to visit, so I'm sure this will make me even more thankful!

4. French wine.

Not only is it delicious, it's also ridiculously cheap here. My roommate has been buying bottles for less than 3 euros, and has been kind enough to share with me. Visiting Jerome's family's vineyard also gave me a much greater appreciation for the wine-making process.

5. Skype. Thanks to this amazing technology, I have been able to keep in touch with my family and friends throughout my time here. I could always use e-mail, but it has often been a really great pick-me-up to hear a familiar voice on the other end.

6. Speaking of familiar voices, this trip has made me even more thankful for my family and friends. They have been there for me when I wanted to go on and on about my amazing trips throughout other parts of Europe, as well as when I wanted to vent my frustrations about some things. They are such a wonderful support system, and I'm so excited to see them all again soon! In fact, Mom's coming in 8 days!!!!

7. dunnhumbyUSA As I mentioned a few posts ago, I did receive a formal offer from dunnhumbyUSA to work with them after I graduate from OSU. I'm pleased to say that I have accepted the offer and will be moving to Cincinnati in late June. I love the company and the people there, and I'm so excited to see what the future holds.

8. This experience as a whole. My time in France is one that I will never forget. It really has helped me learn more about who I am and what I want out of life. I have started to recognize more and more what is actually important, and what I should let go of, and I'm not sure that would have happened in the States. My time here has been far from perfect, but I still feel fortunate to have had the experience.

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