Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wine Tasting!

Yesterday we had the pleasure of visiting the Beilvert Vineyards in Bouaye. My classmate Jerome's family owns the vineyards, and they invited us to see the last day of "Vendange," which is the grape collecting season. We arrived and watched the grape-picking machine go through the rows of vineyards and collect all of the grapes.

We also got to taste the grapes, and while I expected them to be sour, they were incredibly sweet and delicious.

The grape picking machine dumps the grapes into a large container, which is then taken to the grape pressing machine which gets out all the juice.

From there, the juice is carried through a large tube to even larger containers, where it is mixed with sugar and then sits for a few days/weeks (never quite figured out the timing).

Part of the process requires the juice to boil, and this takes place underground. Here's a short video... the bubbling sound is fantastic!

Jerome's family wanted us to taste the wine early in its life and after it has had a chance to rest, and it tasted great either way. I was particularly fond of the red juice before it had a lot of alcohol in it. We all tasted the different types of wine his family makes, including the brand 2009 Muscadet (this is the varietal the Loire/Brittany region is famous for), and it all tasted fantastic. Needless to say, none of us objected to a second or third pour :)

After we finished tasting, we went to Jerome's parents house to meet his mom, sister and nephew. I don't know if his mother was expecting quite as many of us as there were, but she was such a fantastic hostess. Here's a picture of Jerome and his mommy :)

I had my first French appertif, which consisted of sugar cane syrup and rum. By itself, it was far too strong for me, so I added orange juice and it was much better. After visiting with his family for a while, we came back to Nantes and had dinner at a creperie. Delicious gallettes, crepes and cider were had by all. It's so nice to have the opportunity to go out with my classmates outside of school. Much more relaxed, and we are really starting to get to know each other well. We're growing closer each day, and I love it!

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