Sunday, October 18, 2009

Indian Dinner

It's been a week since this actually took place, but thought I'd write a quick note about it anyway. Gairik invited the classmates over to his place for a traditional Indian dinner. Most of the guests brought a bottle of wine, so we had plenty to drink and shared a lot of laughs while we waited for the food.

Gairik and his friends made rice, a spicy chicken dish and some veggies. The chicken was a bit too spicy for me, but the rice and vegetables were great.

After dinner, we all headed to Hangar a Bananes to dance. They were playing some American songs, so that was a lot of fun for me to actually understand the words and be able to sing along. The girls took turns doing some Salsa dancing with Xavier-Freddy and Carlo. Good times.

Most of the classmates headed home around 2, but Abdel wanted to stay out a while longer, so I headed to another bar with him. It was pretty dead when we arrived, so we just went to the patio and talked a while. When we got ready to leave, the place had gotten a little more crowded, but I was tired and needed to go home.

There had been a lot of smoke at the bar, and I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep, so I woke up Sunday feeling a little under the weather and didn't feel too great when we started the school week on Monday. Had to get better before Milano though!

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