Sunday, October 18, 2009

Amazing market!

It's definitely starting to get cold here in France. It's probably close to 50 degrees, but when I've been used to 70+ degree weather, 50 feels like winter. Luckily, when I got home from Milan, I was able to find a space heater, and that's been keeping me pretty warm here.

When I woke up this morning, I was debating whether I really wanted to leave the apartment. Since I got here, though, I haven't made my way to a Sunday morning market, and I decided that's what I should do.

I thought there was supposed to be a market near Bouffay, which is across the tram tracks. When I got there, it was empty. Another one I had heard about was Talensac, but I wasn't entirely sure where it was... just that it was close to Tour Bretagne. I headed that way, and finally found some signs pointing toward Talensac. As I walked more and more, I started to see a lot of big vans and trucks, and a lot of traffic. This all led to the Marche Talensac, and it was huge.

On one side of the outside market, there are all sorts of vendors selling clothing, shoes, jewelry, a few with some home furnishings, and flowers. The other side had a huge farmers market with fruits and veggies, and then a long row of tents selling raw oysters.

Inside, there was every type of food imaginable, from butchers to cheesemakers to bakeries to fish vendors. I had never seen so many types of cheeses and meats in one place. It was crazy.

It was a little bit like the hartville market back home, but with much more variety in terms of food. While there, I found a woman selling crepes for .80 euros, so I had to get one. Delicious of course.

I didn't buy anything else, but I think I will go back if I decide to have a dinner party of some sort, as the food prices were pretty reasonable, and I'm sure the quality and freshness were unbeatable.

Haven't done much of anything else today. Will probably do some reading and maybe prepare a bit for classes this week. We have a full schedule, but after this week, we have a week-long break, so that will be nice. Probably won't be going on a major trip, but may head somewhere for a couple days. Just playing it by ear I guess.

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