Saturday, June 25, 2011

Going Abroad Again

It's been nearly two years since I left for Nantes and started writing "The Blonde Abroad" blog, and I'm thrilled to report that it's time for me to go abroad once again. I'm not crossing the ocean this time, but I'm headed north to Toronto, Canada to begin a new role with my company. I just learned that the move was officially going to happen about a week ago, and I've been going crazy with excitement for the past week.

I've never been to Toronto, but everyone I've talked to has had nothing but great things to say about it. A few of my co-workers did a few weeks-long projects with our client there, and absolutely loved the city. They said it should especially be a good fit for me, as it's a foodie's paradise :)

I've spent some time researching apartments and trying to figure out the neighborhoods that I might want to move to. I don't yet know what my relocation package will cover, but I expect that it will be communicated to me in the next week or so. From what I understand, the cost of living is quite a bit more in Toronto, but I do pretty well with budgeting, so I'm not too concerned. I just have to be realistic about what I really need versus what I can afford. I'll be visiting Toronto for a week in July, and then I make the big move a couple weeks after that so I can start working up there on August 1. Can't wait!

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